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Schleißheim New Palace

Gallery rooms / Italian Baroque Art (Rooms 22-25)

State Gallery of European Baroque Art – Italian Art


In the Schleißheim gallery a large amount of space is devoted to 17th- and 18th-century Italian painting, which is represented with 80 works. The "Large Gallery" and the rooms to the north of it provide the most comprehensive overview outside Italy of the development of this art epoch.


Picture: Madonna and Child, Carlo Dolci

Madonna and Child, Carlo Dolci (Room 20)

The exhibition begins chronologically with "The baptism of Christ" from the year 1584, a main work by the most important representative of classicism in Bologna, Ludovico Carracci (Room 22); the next generation is represented by Francesco Barbieri (known as Guercino) whose "Christ crowned with thorns" can be seen in the Large Gallery.

The influences emanating from Bologna and Rome to Venice are illustrated with major works such as Carlo Saraceni's "Sts Hieronymus, Mary Magdalene, Anthony and Francis" and Marcantonio Bassetti's "Martyrdom of Vitus in the presence of Sts Wolfgang and Georg" (Large Gallery). Neapolitan baroque art is represented with a main work by Luca Giordano, "The death of Seneca", (Large Gallery). Numerous paintings illustrate the wide variety of Florentine baroque art: a particular highlight is the "Madonna and Child" by Carlo Dolci (Room 20).

© Text and picture: Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen, Munich


State Galleries in Bavaria (Website of the Bayerische Staatsgemäldesammlungen)


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